Welcome - Sidney
Cum Christo Weekends
Next Cum Christo Weekends:
Men's Weekend Dates: February 6-9, 2025
Rector: Mark Ellerkamp 406-787-6178
Scripture Theme: "Come Lord Jesus, Come"
Women's Weekend Dates: February 13-16, 2025
Rectora: Jennifer Reid 406-480-5133 jennifer.reid95@yahoo.com
Scripture Theme: "Jesus, I Trust You" Song: Be Not Afraid
Weekends are held in the St. Matthews Parish Center at
310 7th Street SE in Sidney, Montana 59270
NOTE: The above forms may be downloaded and saved to your computer.
Other contacts:
Mark Brodhead: 406-488-6331
Tom Ihde: 406-482-5878
Ultreya - Sidney
Ultreya is the gathering of people who have made a Cum Christo Weekend to share their walk with Christ, through music, prayer, witness talks and sharing and encouraging of each other.
Monthly Ultreya is held at 7:00pm on the 2nd Tuesday
held at St. Mathew's Parish Center in the Rollo Room.